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Year 2


In Year 2 we have been exploring and learning about Pirates.

The children loved learning all about pirates to start their Year 2 journey.  They explored reading text all based on the theme of Pirates.  ‘Here Be Monsters’ by Jonathan Emmett, ‘A New Home for a Pirate’ by Ronda Armitage an ‘How to Be a Pirate’ by Sue Fliess.  The children explored the life of a pirate on our dress up Pirate day.  They ate pirate food, talked like a pirate and completed the jobs a pirate would have to do in a day on a ship. 



Exploding Multiplication!

Remember, Remember… to multiply and divide.

During the autumn term the children explored multiplication and division within the theme of Guy Fawkes. They multiplied barrels of gunpowder and divided plotters as well as solving problems to save the King.



                    Remember, Remember…the soldiers that died for us. 

It is always important to remember the lives that were lost whilst fighting for our country and we mark this in Year 2 by paying their respects through writing and homework.

The children write acrostic poems that describe what life may have been like for the soldiers and the reasons why they were fighting.

Children are asked to complete a homework task about Remembrance Day and we always have fantastic, informative and beautiful pieces of work brought into school.  Children and staff across the school always stop and admire their work.







In Year 2 we have been exploring what it is to have a Growth Mindset:

  We keep on trying!​ 

There will be challenges along the way but it is only because we cannot do it YET!

Never give up!

We can and we will!

Sharing helps us on our journey.

We will reach our potential if we persevere.

We can ask our grown-ups for help at any time.

We can ask our friends to help us!

I learn when I try.

I know if I practise I will improve my skills.

Talking to others eases our worries and concerns.

Saying kind things to each other helps us feel better about ourselves.


 ​​​ The Great Fire of London

Year 2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London!

We have learnt about the key events that happened, know that the fire took place over 300 years ago (in 1666), understand about the causes and effects of the fire, understand about the strengths and weaknesses of eyewitness accounts of the fire and can begin to compare different sources of information about the fire.

We wrote newspaper articles, wrote the diary of Samuel Pepys and acrostic poems as well as sorted fact from fiction


The Remarkable Journey


During the spring Term, Year 2 learn all about the Titanic and go on a school trip to the SeaCity museum to learn about it and see how close the Titanic was to the school. 

Year 2s also complete a special homework project about the ship and we are amazed by how many children have links to the Titanic!


Healthy Humans

Healthy Eating

Every year, the whole school has a healthy fun week, where we learn lots about how to keep healthy including food, exercise and teeth cleaning.  Year 2 enjoyed a Healthy breakfast, where they got to choose some a cereal and a combination of fruit to eat.  All the children were brave and tried new things which was great!

As homework, the children had to use the EatWell Plate to make themselves a healthy meal.  They all looked very appetising!