Rainbow Room
Welcome to Rainbow Nursery.
We pride ourselves in being the first link between you and your child at FairisleInfant And Nursery School.
We provide a caring, nurturing and child friendly environment, in which your child will feel safe and parents feel assured that they will receive the experience from a team of dedicated early years practitioners.
Whilst your child is with us we hope that they will flourish, learn many new things, experience vast opportunities but most of all succeed at their individual rate.
Most of the session is child initiated play. Children are free to access all available resources both inside and outside. Nursery staff support and extend their play and learning throughout the session. Adults also enhance the provision, by providing additional resources and activities, in response to children’s interests and next steps in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
We are able to offer,
A Keyworker who is responsible for your child and their Keyworker group.A ‘Buddy’ system whereby a member of staff ‘buddies’ with your child’s Keyworker.Home visits where important information can be shared in the privacy of your own home.
Settling in sessions where you can ‘stay and play’ with your child. Settling in sessions over a period of a few days, which increase in length.A reassuring phone link – Please phone if you are worried about how your child is settling without you. We understand it can be difficult for you both. An ‘open door’ policy –The opportunity is always there, to talk with your Keyworker or ‘Buddy’ at the beginning and end of sessions.
We hope that your child will thoroughly enjoy their time with us in Rainbow Nursery. We look forward to welcoming you and your child. Please feel free to book an appointment via the school office if you would like an informal show around the nursery.
Playing with natural objects
Outdoor Play
Indoor Play