Contact Us
Fairisle Infant and Nursery School
Fairisle Road
Southampton SO16 8BY
Tel: 02380 731199
Head Teacher: Miss J Owens
School day starts: | 8.45am |
School day finishes: | 3.15pm |
Breakfast club opens: | 7.45am |
School Office opens: | 8.00am |
School Office closes: Mrs May, Mrs Ings, Mrs Stephens and Mrs Rushton are based in the office and help with any enquiries. |
4.00pm |
SENDCO - Miss Darke To make an appointment, please contact the school office. |
Deliveries to the site or contractors should ask for Mr Pennells, our Site Manager. | |
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss J Owens | |
Deputy Safeguarding Leads - Mrs S Joiner, Miss J Marris, Mrs L James, Miss J Darke |